571-509-1882 [email protected]

Young Kings Movement

Kings Story

Young Kings Movement

A non-profit organization created to help empower young men ages 13-18 years old in 2020. Young Kings Movement is a safe place for young men to come and be themselves. Young Kings Movement wants to encourage, empower and engage.

We focus on one on one mentoring, educational support, community service, and most importantly, life skills coaching. Each young man has their own story. These young men have a desire to be successful. We encourage our young men to follow their dreams.

YKM was created to provide young men the opportunity to have an after-school outlet that will help promote personal growth and leadership.

Founder & CEO

A native of Leesburg, Virginia, Harriet was raised by extraordinary parents.  She is the youngest of four siblings. Harriet is currently employed at an alternative high school in Virginia, working with teens with emotional and behavioral challenges. She enjoys working with youth of all ages to help them develop as individuals.

Throughout her career, Harriet has worked closely with youth at risk. Making a positive impact on young teens is her greatest passion. Her favorite volunteer activity is helping others. Among the many hours she has volunteered, her two favorite organizations are the Salvation Army and Loudoun Hunger Relief in Leesburg. In addition, she is a Big Sister. She is also currently a certified Foster Parent and Adoptive Parent.

During her spare time, Harriet enjoys spending time with her family, which includes two sons, a husband, and a Yorkie dog. Swimming, boating, and fishing are among her favorite pastimes. Harriet dreams of opening a Youth Center to serve at-risk youth. Her mother Martha Coates, who is her biggest inspiration, will be honored with the name.

What inspired Harriet to start Young Kings Movement

Unexpectedly Harriet became ill and needed a kidney transplant to survive. Harriet’s sister Edith, gave her a kidney that saved her life!

For a long time, Harriet wondered how she would repay her sister back for saving her life. Edith told her sister Harriet “I want you to pay it forward and save someone else’s life”.

This is how the Young Kings Movement was started in November 2020. Harriet made a decision not to save one life but to try to save several young men’s lives.

Young Kings Board of Directors

  • James Banks
  • Chris Duren
  • Brandon Ferris
  • Corey & Jamilla Gault
  • Victory Grayson
  • Suzanne Otwell
  • Debbie Wheeler
  • Reggie Willoughby

Young Kings Administrative Team

  • Ms. Doode Summers – Founder & Chief Executive Officer / Visionary
  • Ms. Karen Gaither – Senior Operational Support & Fundraising
  • Ms. Gloria Bradley – Senior Operational Support & Fundraising
  • Ms. Vanessa Joyner – Senior Operational Support & Event Coordination/Execution
  • Ms. Debbie Holmes – Operational Support & Fundraising
  • Ms. Glenda Turner – Event Coordination & Execution
  • Mr. Chris Duren – Project Management, Governance, Initiatives, Metrics


Ms. Roz

My grandson is a member of YKM which is a positive force in the community that provides positive experiences and learning opportunities for teenagers & young men, especially in the minority community. YKM exposes these young people to situations where the young men provide service to their communities. The young men learn and understand the value of service (helping others). Personal self-improvement and working in the community through employment (job interviews) is a goal.  Self-respect and respecting others is a key philosophy of YKM. I am delighted my grandson has chosen to be a participant in YKM. I fully support YKM.


Young Kings Movement has given my young man experiences that on a regular he would not have been exposed to. He has gotten opportunities to do things (his first job) and he’s learning that he has the potential to do anything. I can see that he is taking the initiative to do things and do them well. He really enjoys the events, especially the community service they take part in. My son loves to feel like he makes a difference and this organization has definitely let him do that.


The Young Kings Movement offers young men a safe place of equality and brotherhood. Differences are left at the door as their great potentials are nurtured inside by the exceptional staff of volunteers.


The Young Kings Movement is a nonprofit organization that has been established to meet the needs of “at-risk youth” in the greater Leesburg area.

Mrs. Doode Summers – Found of YKM – saw and knew of some of the challenges of young school-age students – primarily males – the need to intervene and provide them with participation in a group process that would offer role-modeling, tutorial/academic support, behavioral intervention, and other aspects of emotional/support to keep these young students a part of the greater society.

A village has been formed to take on this herculean endeavor on behalf of at-risk students and their families. “With much hard work comes much success.”


Young Kings Movement is an organization that is very much needed in our community. YKM assists young meant that are looking for guidance with daily living situations and learning to cope with life struggles.

The male role models are really important for our young men. If you have a young man that needs redirection. Send them to Young Kings Movement!

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